28 junio 2009

Harvey: Kate, I’m so sorry I wasn’t there.
Kate: Harvey, I like you, I really do. And I had a lovely time – it was great. But, you know, I don’t really do fountains at noon. I live in Willesden. And you live in..
Harvey: White Plains.
Kate: Exactly. And we’re not teenagers, so – you know, monday morning and life kicks in, all that jobs and family and brown envelopes with bills in. It was a lovely day and I won’t forget it, but it’s not exactly real life…
Harvey: It is. It can be.
Kate: No, Harvey, it’s not.
Harvey: Kate, I want this. I want you.
Kate: But it’s not just about you, is it? You don’t know anything about me. Look at me. It’s pathetic. I expected you not to show, for God’s sake. I think I even wanted you not to be there, it’s easier that way.
You – you just dive in wherever deep end..whoosh. But, I’m not your bloody swimming pool, Harvey. And I am not going to do it, I’m not going to do it because it will hurt. Not right now, maybe, but soon – there will be a «It’s not quite working» or a «I need some space» or whatever it is and it’ll end and it’ll hurt and I won’t do it,  I won’t and…I…Oh fuck, I don’t want to cry. I don’t want this…
I think it’s actually easier for me to be disappointed. I think I’m actually angry at you for trying to take that away.
Harvey: Should I take that as a hopeful sign? If you just give me a little wider smile..
Kate: Oh, shut up, Harvey. So how’s this going to work, Mr Shine?
Harvey: I have absolutely no idea…But it will. I promise you that.
Kate: Shall we walk?
Harvey: Yes.
[After a short while Kate stops, puts her hand on Harvey’s shoulder and takes off her shoes.]
Kate: That’s better.
Harvey: I think you’re my kinda girl.






24 junio 2009

Here is a song1244317862320_f
It reminds me of when we were young
Looking back at all the things we’ve done
You gotta keep on, keepin on

Out to sea, it’s the only place
I Honestly
Can get myself some piece of mind

You know it’s gettin’ hard to fly

If I’m to fall
Would you be there to applaud?
Or would you hide behind them all?

‘Cause if I have to go,
In my heart you’ll grow
And that’s where you belong…

If I’m to fall
Would you be there to applaud?
Or would you hide behind them all?
‘Cause if I have to go,
In my heart you’ll grow

And that’s where you belong…
Guess I’m outta time…
I’m outta time…
I’m outta time
I’m outta time
I’m outta time

the story of stuff

23 junio 2009


story of stuff


Now or Never

19 junio 2009

Did you say it? ‘I love you. I don’t ever want to live without you. You changed my life.’ Did you say it?

Make a plan.

Set a goal.

Work toward it,

but every now and then,

look around;

Drink it in

‘cause..this is it.

It might all be gone tomorrow.

13 junio 2009

Aunque tu corazón recircule, siga de paso o venga, pretenda volar con las manos, sueñe despierto o duerma…o beba el elixir de la eternidad; sos alma de diamante, alma de diamante. Bien aquí o en el más allá, sos alma de diamante..y aunque este mismo sol se nuble después…sos alma de diamante..


11 junio 2009

Quise esta tarde encontrarte caminando hasta mi casa..me gustaría decirte tantas cosas.

Son cajones que se cierran para que nadie los vea, son palabras que no pude decir. Pero ya no me importa, porque nada me toca, y no hay nada vivo dentro de mi.

Yo te sigo esperando porque nada me apura..y algun día todos vienen para acá.

No paro de pensar aquel momento me dijiste: «es sólo una amistad», y luego vino el golpe duro: «es todo un gran error.»
Aún recuerdo tu mirar; la esquina se nubló, y hoy ya no recuerdo nada. El aire mudo está, el pecho trata de escapar, tu cara frente a mí..miro la taza y pienso cómo salir de acá,  y creer que esto no pasó, y volver a reír, y olvidar el dolor.
Llora mi corazón.., que vuelva a ser como era antes de decirnos todo. Espero cicatrización.., ya no aguanto más esta tortura, tengo que creer de nuevo..

Camino la ciudad, cada rincón que miro y me acuerdo de tu amor; nunca se sabe cuándo acaba esa fascinación que pinta todo de color; manual para el amor y un cerebro nuevo..

11 junio 2009

I need you, I need you, I need you.
I need to make you see,
Oh, what you mean to me.
Until I do I’m hoping you will
know what I mean..

I’m looking through you
Where did you go?
I thought I knew you
What did I know?
You don’t look different
But you have changed
I’m looking through you
You’re not the same

Your lips are moving
I cannot hear
Your voice is soothing
But the words aren’t clear
You don’t sound different
I’ve learned the game
I’m looking through you
You’re not the same

Why, tell me why, did you not treat me right?
Love has a nasty habit of disappearing overnight

You’re thinking of me
The same old way
You were above me
But not today
The only difference
Is you’re down there
I’m looking through you,
Any you’re nowhere

11 junio 2009

Nowhere Man, can you see me at all?..

11 junio 2009

286705Who put all the things in your head,
Things that make me feel that I’m mad?
And you’re making me feel like I’ve never been born

He said, you don’t understand what I said
I said, no, no, no you’re wrong;
When I was a girl, everything was right
Everything was right

I said, even though you know what you know
I know that I’m ready to leave
‘Cause you’re making me feel like I’ve never been born


I know what it’s like to be dead
I know what it is to be sad
I know what it’s like to be dead


10 junio 2009


No se si el tiempo es propio de nuestra conciencia. No se si existe de verdad, no se quién pueda comprobar si todo es una foto o va al ritmo de un tic-tac…o va al ritmo de un tic-tac. Pero qué diferencia hay? si de la conciencia no nos podemos librar; esa guía innata y leal que vos bien sabés no siempre podemos respetar, no siempre podemos. Y hoy debe ser la tuya, mi peor enemiga, la que te echa la culpa por no saber aguantar tus ganas y las mías de parpadear una vez más. Vos no te preocupes que yo voy a intentar que pegue media vuelta y patee para allá; se que no es irreversible este proceso pero no quiero que vaya hacia atrás. Yo por atea y racional no tengo a quién rogarle, vos tan inseguro que querés cambiar de vida. Yo de la esperanza una mal amiga, y vos tan frágil como aquella hojita que me pediste que guarde. Y hoy debe ser la tuya, mi peor enemiga, la que te echa la culpa por no saber aguantar tus ganas y las mías de parpadear una vez más. Vos no te preocupes que yo voy a intentar que pegue media vuelta y patee para allá; se que no es irreversible este proceso pero no quiero que vaya hacia atrás. Y si es que el tiempo existe yo quiero compartirlo.. Si todo es una foto, quiero estar.. Y si es que el tiempo existe yo quiero compartirlo.. Si todo es una foto yo quiero estar al lado tuyo. Al lado tuyo quiero estar.  En la foto quiero estar al lado tuyo.


10 junio 2009

Y sin embargo no consigo darme cuenta qué fantasma dará a luz mi desconfianza. Pero prometo, a más nadie que a mi mismo, triunfar de nuevo en este juego apasionado. Y el dia que ya no le tema a los abismos, agradecer a quien estuvo siempre al lado..

8 junio 2009

Ben: You work so hard to make her think you don’t care — that you don’t need her, but, «A guy goes nuts if he ain’t got nobody. It don’t make no difference who the guy is, long as he’s with you. I tell you, I tell you a guy gets too lonely and he gets sick.»

8 junio 2009

Love the people who treat you right.
Forget about the ones who don’t.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy.
They just promised it would be worth it.

1 junio 2009

«I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.» – Maya Angelou